With age your body gains special prominence; sometimes even an impertinent prominence. I have never been a sportsman and the times I played basketball or golf are long gone. Fortunately, in addition to procuring to do or eat nothing in excess, I have found two ways I’d like to share, that help me keep fit and flexible without having to invest too much time.

Tai-Chi Chuan

Over the last few years, every morning I start the day doing the Tai-Chi form of Sun Lu Tan (1861-1933) , listening to “Wu-Wei” played by Christopher Walcott and sung by Jeu-ChenPon.  Zaya Reyes introduced me to this old Chinese martial art in a very unmartial way, which I deeply appreciated. I do not like mystic approaches to anything, but I can value accumulated empirical wisdom and appreciate real effects. I even learned (more or less) the fundamental rules for doing Tai-Chi in the proper way .

  1. Straighten the head, relaxed.
  2. Keep the chest back and straighten your back.
  3. Loosen the lower back, waist.
  4. Separate the emptiness and fullness (distribute the weight properly).
  5. Allow shoulders and elbows to hang freely.
  6. Apply Yi  (inner energy) and not physical strength.
  7. Coordination of “the above” with “the below”.
  8. The harmony between “the inner” and “the outer”.
  9. Uninterrupted flow (movement flows).
  10. Staying still in movement.

Lemon & Syrup Cleanup

I love lemons for many reasons. “Mojitos” are a miraculous drink, and the best way you can prepare a whole chicken is “a la suppositoire”: you insert a peeled  lemon and a bouillon cube through the backend of the animal, cover it all with foil and straight to the oven. Just delicious!

Well, having exposed that I am something more than a ‘wineocrat’ and that I respect, but obviously do not share, the vegetarians’ view about keeping healthy, I have found lemons to be a fantastic solution for resetting the body.

The formula for cleaning the pipes is the following: Mix 160 ml of maple syrup with 160 ml of lemon juice (freshly squeezed) and 1680 ml of water. I also add some cayenne pepper, just for taste. That makes two litre, which is enough for a day. Drink every two hours (8 am, 10 am, 12 am …) a glass (200 ml) of this beverage, and that’s all. You eat nothing else. Detox starts about the second or third day (normally with a headache) and thereafter, I feel just great and abnormally lucid. I do this for a week or ten days; never more than two weeks.

There is no fixed period for repeating this detox. I just listen to my body, which sets off the alarm normally once a year or every two years. It depends on what kind of junk food I’ve been eating.


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