Lixus machadoi

See below available PDFs


These keys have been compiled from those available from other authors, if any, adapting them to the fauna of the Canary Islands and complementing or substituting them as necessary. Practical criteria have prevailed over systematic ones (kinship relationships), so they must be used with due caution. Taxa hitherto uncited for the Canary Islands may end up being determined as what they are not, although some specific characters have been included in the hope of avoiding this.
The families recognised basically follow the taxonomic scheme adopted in the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera, although the respective family keys are numbered in alphabetical order. Obviously, this is an ambitious and long-term project, and I am afraid that for the moment it will only be available in Spanish. The PDF files will be posted on this website as they are completed (with the date of edition to reflect the latest update).

Feel free to download and use these keys. If you find any errors in the texts or images, if you miss any species, or if you wish to make any suggestions, please do not hesitate to write to me at

Special recognition goes to my dear colleagues Prof. Dr Pedro Oromí, Rafael García and Robero Valle who are testing the keys and providing timely comments.

ALERT – If you are interested in receiving a message every time I add or update a family, send me an email with the subject “Keys to Canarian coleoptera”, and just say “I am interested” The keys are only in Spanish.
My email:

MACHADO, A. (2023-2024). Coleópteros de Canarias. Claves de identificación. (date consulted)


Content Taxa. Updated To download
Introducción  – Ene 2024 PDF
Clave de familias 70 Jun 2024 PDF
1 Aderidae 5 Nov 2023 PDF
2 Anthicidae 32 Jul 2024 PDF
3 Anthribidae 3 Oct 2023 PDF
4 Attelabidae 4 Oct 2023 PDF
5 Belidae 2 Oct 2023 PDF
6 Biphyllidae 3 Oct 2023 PDF
7 Bostrichidae 13 Oct 2023 PDF
8 Bothrideridae 2 Oct 2023 PDF
9 Brentidae 27 Jun 2024 PDF
10 Buprestidae 22 Ene 2024 PDF
11 Byrrhidae 6 Oct 2023 PDF
12 Cantharidae 12 Nov 2023 PDF
13 Carabidae 251
14 Cerambycidae 28 Mar 2024 PDF
15 Cerylonidae 1 Nov 2023 PDF
16 Chrysomelidae 113
17 Ciidae 6 Oct 2023 PDF
18 Clambidae 3 Oct 2023 PDF
19 Cleridae 7 Apr 2024 PDF
20 Coccinellidae 57
21 Corylophidae 12 Oct 2023 PDF
22 Cryptophagidae 29 Feb 2024 PDF
23 Cucujidae 2 Oct 2023 PDF
24 Curculionidae 603
25 Dasytidae 14 Oct 2023 PDF
26 Dermestidae 34 Mar 2024 PDF
27 Dryopidae 1 Ene 2024 PDF
28 Dytiscidae 22 Dic 2023 PDF
29 Elateridae 53 Jul. 2024 PDF
30 Endomychidae 14 Nov 2023 PDF
31 Erotylidae 2 Oct 2023 PDF
32 Eucinetidae 1 Oct 2023 PDF
33 Eucnemidae 1 Oct 2023 PDF
34 Gyrinidae 3 Oct 2023 PDF
35 Haliplidae 1 Oct 2023 PDF
36 Helophoridae 1 Dic 2023 PDF
37 Histeridae 45 May 2024 PDF
38 Hydraenidae 16 Feb 2024 PDF
39 Hydrochidae 1 Dic 2023 PDF
40 Hydrophilidae 20 Dic 2023 PDF
41 Jacobsoniidae 1 Apr 2024 PDF
42 Kateretidae 5 Oct 2023 PDF
43 Laemophloeidae 4 Oct 2023 PDF
44 Languriidae 5 Feb 2024 PDF
45 Latridiidae 30 Mar 2024 PDF
46 Leiodidae 19 Jan 2024 PDF
47 Malachiidae 83 Abr 2024 PDF
48 Meloidae 10 Dic 2023 PDF
49 Melyridae 3 Nov 2023 PDF
50 Monotomidae 11 Apr 2024 PDF
51 Mordellidae 8 Nov 2023 PDF
52 Mycetophagidae 4 Nov 2023 PDF
53 Nitidulidae 37 May 2024 PDF
54 Oedemeridae 12 Abr 2024 PDF
55 Phalacridae 7 Nov 2023 PDF
56 Ptiliidae 23 Feb 2024 PDF
57 Ptinidae 78
58 Salpingidae 2 Nov 2023 PDF
59 Scarabaeidae 44 Jun 2024 PDF
60 Scirtidae] 1 Nov 2023 PDF
61 Scraptiidae 4 Nov 2023 PDF
62 Silphidae 4 Nov 2023 PDF
63 Silvanidae 9 Nov 2023 PDF
64 Sphindidae 1 Nov 2023 PDF
65 Staphylinidae 357
66 Tenebrionidae 160
67 Throscidae 5 Nov 2023 PDF
68 Trogidae 3 Nov 2023 PDF
69 Trogossitidae 10 Nov 2023 PDF
70 Zopheridae 39 Apr 2024 PDF
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